Rev Hubert

Rev Hubert

Project details

Founded by the Reverend’s Great Grandson Thomas, the drinks are recipes that have been passed down through generations by Reverend Hubert; a man who had a strong devotion to partying and enjoying life as much as he did his religion, a wicked side and a passion for letting loose.

Reverend Hubert lived a full and colourful life; from, guarding the sphinx to playing cricket he’s always put everything he had into it. He was a well-known character for entertaining and developed his own drinks to keep people fired up.

The first, a winter liqueur, a festive celebration of one of Hubert’s favourite times of the year.

We use stained glass to reference his place of worship and to narrate the story behind the reverend to the audience. As new drinks are developed the style will allow packs to remain interesting while being different each time. The lead work black foiled, separating the more colourful elements that hold the illustration together and express the Reverend’s fun side.

What we did

Brand positioning